WW – Year 2, Month 1

Me currently:

It’s been one month since I reset my weight with Weight Watchers, which basically means to me since I went back on the program.

A lot of people are posting their monthly weight loss stats on Instagram on a calendar and I thought I’d join in.

I weigh in every Monday morning, but I don’t want the pressure of having to post it weekly here or on Instagram;  I can commit to posting it monthly though.  🙂

I’m down -3.4 pounds this month.  Woo Hoo!  I’m pretty proud of those pounds because they are only a small indication of deeper emotional change that happened over this past month.

IMG_0470  Again, I remind you … It has been very freeing to allow myself to be okay with the past and begin to move forward.  I find myself pressing on as if I just began the program and allowing myself to live in that frame of mind is proving helpful for me.

However, there have been a few too many evenings of chocolate inhalation and that’s something I need to work on.   31c02bf43426caf4847f8e5ab7931e8a.jpgMy exercise is getting back into some regularity as well and that feels good.  My back was hurting something awful at the beginning of April — out of the blue — and I was so frustrated.  I had planned to get back into some running intervals and instead I did ice and heat intervals.  By the end of the week I finally googled “lower back pain” and read that non-aerobic exercise is actually good for it.

So, that day I went for a walk and what do you know…things loosened up and felt much better.

My back is much better, but it is still sore and accompanied by some hip pain.  So, I’m sticking to non-aerobic exercise, like the elliptical and walking, and working on core strengthening exercises.

I’m feeling more of a mojo to get back on track and that is a good thing.  It’s a wary and hesitant mojo, but it is showing up more often than not now.  It’s amazing to me how self love and forgiving oneself can bring a freedom to move forward in life.

So, here’s to another month ahead.  I’m thinking of setting some goals for myself, but I haven’t completed that list yet.  For now, it’s getting more hydration and eating less calories than I burn so as to see a few more pounds come off in May.  🙂

About Leah@MyNewEnding

I'm a 44-year-old wife and mother who begins her day with God and coffee. When my youngest of 3 kids started college I went from a SAHM to a full-time job. I love being an attendance secretary. A lot has gone on since I started this blog in 2009, but one thing remains the same: I will not give up on my health. Join me as I share what that means for the season of life I'm in.
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4 Responses to WW – Year 2, Month 1

  1. mfclingan says:

    Congrats on the loss for the month!!!!! Keep it up and you’ll smash May too!!!!


  2. Steve says:

    Glad to see you posting even if the results are not where you want to be.


  3. findingradiance says:

    Nice job! Having suffered from back issues for a few years now, I can sympathize. Stretching really is the best thing for it, though. It gets worse when you stay still (which is what you want to do LOL )


    • scrappin4fleia says:

      That’s actually what I’ve now learned … I babyied it and stayed still a lot but it didn’t begin healing until I began moving more and stretching.

      It’s no joke. Sigh.


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