Sweet Nothings

Getting closer to 190 has brought some very sweet moments of victory with it:

  • My husband made my evening when gave me an unsolicited comment the other night and said “You’re shrinking!” He’s not one to say anything, and this is the first time he’s said something about my weight without me asking him if he can tell. To be fair, I don’t give him much chance to comment, because I milk every pound and he always rejoices with me by saying, “Cool.” But to have him comment without me even saying anything? JOY. 🙂

  • My son is hugging me before leaving for school Monday morning and we have this conversation:

Son: Mom, I can put my arms around you!

Me: *giggling* Well, it’s probably because you’re growing.
Son: And because you’re getting smaller!! (aww….)
  • All my clothing that was getting so tight on me at my heaviest of 231 lbs is officially too big to wear. I wore capris to school last week, that were too tight for me to wear July 2009, and laughed every time I went to the restroom and could practically slide them off without doing the button or zipper. It was a great feeling to realize I had to give them up because they are just too big. I actually gave a bag of skirts and blouses away that all used to be tight on me.
  • I can no longer buy blouses in the plus sizes department. Every time I try on a 1x it’s too big any more (unless it’s some store with weirdo sizes like the odd shirt at Ross) and a regular XL is just fine. In fact, I think all my shirts are now XL from the regular section of the stores. 🙂
  • I just bought a size 16w pants that are comfy, not even snug. I zipped up and fit into a size 16 pant (though too snug for me just yet) at the store the other day for the first time. And, finally, I bought two skirts size 16 and they fit. I haven’t worn a 16 in almost seven years. More joy!!

I’ll stop at that for now…

These are a few of the sweet nothings that keep me going on this journey. Something about losing this last 10 pounds has really taken me to a new level in my weight loss journey and I’m so grateful to have made it this far.

About Leah@MyNewEnding

I'm a 44-year-old wife and mother who begins her day with God and coffee. When my youngest of 3 kids started college I went from a SAHM to a full-time job. I love being an attendance secretary. A lot has gone on since I started this blog in 2009, but one thing remains the same: I will not give up on my health. Join me as I share what that means for the season of life I'm in.
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6 Responses to Sweet Nothings

  1. Christine says:

    I love these milestones Leah!!!!
    You are doing so awesome!!!


  2. jesseybell says:

    I've been reading along but not sure if I am commented yet. I am at 193.4 as of this morning, so right in the same ballpark as you and I've been reaching the same milestones lately. So much fun! Keep up the good work.


  3. *Whitney* says:

    How wonderful!! I couldn't be happier for you!! You're doing so great!


  4. Lori says:

    Fantastic milestones!


  5. Yes!! My favorite weight-loss “glow moment” is when I try on clothes that used to be tight and now they are super big. Sounds like you're doing great — and yay to hubby too for the positive reinforcement spontaneously offered.


  6. I can totally understand and appreciate how exciting this is, especially the comment from your husband and your son. How awesome!


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