Weigh-In … Hot 100 Update #2

Today’s Weight: 192.0

Loss/Gain: -2.5 lbs
Total Loss So Far: -39.0
I stared at the scale in disbelief this morning as a smile spread across my face. I knew I’d been careful later in the week, but I really wasn’t hoping for anything more than half a pound of loss. This is one of those weeks that the body surprises me, but for good. 🙂
And now for my Hot 100 Challenge update after week two.

WEIGHT GOAL: Lose 0.5 – 1.5 lbs a week. Yes! I lost 2.5 lbs this week and that brings me to two pounds (net) lost so far on the challenge. Doing the happy dance! 🙂

  • Exercise four days a week, no skimping down to three during the holidays. Three done and one scheduled for this evening. Even told hubby last night of this goal as we were talking about me “taking it to the next level” in my weight loss. 🙂
  • Be able to jog at 4.8 mph for 25 minutes. This gives me time for slight warm up and cool down on the treadmill that has a 30-minute limit at the gym. Working towards this. I haven’t jogged this week for workouts, but I have worked out good. Also told hubby of this goal.
  • Drink at least 64 oz of water daily. oops. Um, not even half of the days, so I think I have to give myself a red mark for this one. Getting it in, but not every day.
  • Journal all my eats and drinks and stay within my calorie goals daily, with the exception of one high-calorie day that I allow to throw things off a bit. This also has to stay yellow as I looked over my calories for the week and realized I was only within my budget four out of seven days.
EMOTIONAL GOAL: **I’ve decided to make my emotional goal the goal of visiting one new blog each week. Connecting with others on this journey is the emotional support I need at this time. I don’t have time to visit blogs and focus on the Beck book, so I’m switching it up for the challenge. Done. This week I visited a fellow Sooner’s blog: Dr. Fatty Finds Fitness.

HOLIDAY GOAL: Only one or two “foo-foo” coffee drinks from Starbucks the week I am visiting my mom in November. I will stick to regular coffee and cream the rest of the weeks. Done. Only regular coffee all week. 🙂

I hope you have a great Friday. I am subbing again today, but I love to sub on Fridays. It’s almost not fair, because I get to enjoy that “last day of the work week” feeling and I haven’t been there all week. [grin]

About Leah@MyNewEnding

I'm a 44-year-old wife and mother who begins her day with God and coffee. When my youngest of 3 kids started college I went from a SAHM to a full-time job. I love being an attendance secretary. A lot has gone on since I started this blog in 2009, but one thing remains the same: I will not give up on my health. Join me as I share what that means for the season of life I'm in.
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9 Responses to Weigh-In … Hot 100 Update #2

  1. So you're rocking the exercise, need to get more water and watch those calories, but overall you're doing great. 2.5 pounds is great progress! Keep going….


  2. Christine says:

    Awesome Leah! You are doing well with your goals.

    Thanks for the suggestion to visit Diane's blog….I did and was very blessed by it.


  3. Veronica says:

    2.5 pounds is great and you're doing pretty good on your Hot 100 goals too! Yay! Speaking of “foo foo” coffee drinks, I recently started making Skinny Pumpkin Spice Lattes (this recipe: http://www.skinnytaste.com/2010/10/skinny-pumpkin-spiced-latte.html )and they are sooo good! You should try it!


  4. Lori says:

    Great job on the progress!


  5. Sandra says:

    I struggled with my water this week as well! Good job on all the other goals!
    I like the green!
    Have a wonderful weeeknd!


  6. Charlotte says:

    Good job on your goals! I like how you've color coded them. I might try that. Keep up the hard work, fellow Hottie!


  7. What a great surprise! The scale is really a mystery, isn't it?

    Have a great week Leah!


  8. Hi, Leah! I've enjoyed catching up with your posts and seeing the great progress and adorable pictures. You are doing great.


  9. Congratulations Leah! I'm so happy for you and the real changes you are making in your life.


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