My Turtle Journey

Today I completed my second 25-minute jog. I’m not as fast as some most, but today I was reminded that I’m also not as slow as some.

Usually on the treadmills I am next to people who are jogging, but today I was between two people who were walking and not very fast. The lady to my right glanced over a few times, so I decided during my cool down to encourage her.
I leaned over and said, ‘You’re doing great!” to which she replied, “Oh thanks. I’m just starting.”
I told her that if you would’ve told me a year ago I’d be doing this I would’ve laughed at you. I also told her that I started by walking last May and that I only just started jogging in January.
We exchanged a few more pleasantries and I was on my way.
I hope I encouraged this lady, because in reaching out to her I encouraged myself.
A year ago I wasn’t concerned with my weight. I had decided to love myself how I was, but I was gaining more and more weight and beginning to have pain in my knees after long periods of standing. Thought I wouldn’t admit it to anyone, I was still a bit sad deep down that I was so big. Plus it made me feel so old to be large and having knee trouble.
Today the last thing I mentioned to this lady was I’m a turtle in my journey. It’s been slow, but I keep going. I know if I can see the changes I’ve seen over the last year for the better in my health I will continue to keep seeing more in the future…as long as I don’t quit.
You know what they say, “Slow and steady wins the race, not the one who sets the pace.” For me, that concept equals hope and it’s what I cling to each day as I learn more about what I need to do to see myself reach my weight loss goals.

About Leah@MyNewEnding

I'm a 44-year-old wife and mother who begins her day with God and coffee. When my youngest of 3 kids started college I went from a SAHM to a full-time job. I love being an attendance secretary. A lot has gone on since I started this blog in 2009, but one thing remains the same: I will not give up on my health. Join me as I share what that means for the season of life I'm in.
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5 Responses to My Turtle Journey

  1. I think it's great that you encouraged her in her own journey. That's really what life is about – doing our best and encouraging others along the way – be it our friends, family, or strangers. By the way I went back and read that post you told me about – very insightful.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with turtle progress. Who won the race in the end? Great post Leah!


  2. The Merry says:

    I love it when I'm out trudging along and a very fit runner passes me by with a non-judgmental 'one of us' nod. We're all at various stages along the way, but we're getting there!

    Um, excuse me. I suddenly feel the need to repeat that statement with excessive punctuation.

    We're getting there!!!!!

    Congratulations on your second 25-minute jog. That is fantastic πŸ™‚


  3. Love this post! I'm a turtle too. It took me five years to lose 30 pounds. Once while I was swimming my slooooow laps, a friend in the next lane yelled over, “Don't give up!” just when I thought I was doing pretty good. I like your encouraging comment better!


  4. You are so right!!! Wonderful post πŸ™‚


  5. Stephanie says:

    Way to go in encouraging that lady. I know its been great having you to encourage me and exchange ideas, but I'm glad you were able to put yourself back in her shoes and realize she needed that encouragement. And also an amazing point to realize just how far you've really come physically. Amazing Leah – truly amazing!!!


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