Hot 100 – Update October

My goals for the Hot 100 challenge are set up in three sections, one for each month that leads us out of this year. So, since today is the last day of October I thought I’d update everyone on whether I made my goals or not.

Hot 100 Goals for October:
Scale Goal: See any kind of a weight loss by the time my mother-in-law leaves, which should be by the end of this month.
Emotional Goal: Not get offended when my mother-in-law offers a comment she thinks will help me with my “diet”. She hasn’t made more than maybe two in a week, but I found myself getting angry right away. Yet, when I thought more on it…she was right. Ouch.

Scale Goal: Yes! MIL is actually leaving for home today. (great timing for Hot 100, eh?) I was 213.5 pounds when MIL got here and as of yesterday I am 209.5. I managed to lose 4 pounds while she was here. I am going to be happy with that as I could’ve easily seen a gain with all the good cooking. πŸ™‚
Emotional Goal: Yes! I’m happy to say that she made less and less comments, though there weren’t very many to begin with, but even just little comments on everyday life that were supposed to be helpful haven’t been bothering me as much. I just realize that we were raised VERY different and she’s only sharing her opinion of what works/doesn’t work for her like I probably will to my grown children someday. All in all, I learned that if she had to live with us for some reason it would be fine. We got along great! She was a real blessing to us in many ways.

So, that’s it for this first month folks. I’m happy to say that I met my goals and now on to work towards my goals for November. πŸ™‚

p.s. Please excuse the large font up there..not sure what I did wrong and I don’t have time to figure it out at the moment. πŸ™‚

About Leah@MyNewEnding

I'm a 44-year-old wife and mother who begins her day with God and coffee. When my youngest of 3 kids started college I went from a SAHM to a full-time job. I love being an attendance secretary. A lot has gone on since I started this blog in 2009, but one thing remains the same: I will not give up on my health. Join me as I share what that means for the season of life I'm in.
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7 Responses to Hot 100 – Update October

  1. I love the large font. It's great on old eyes. Congrats on losing several pounds! Your mother-in-law sounds like a nice well-meaning lady.


  2. Leah I want you to know that if you make your goal or if you don't that you are doing a wonderful job. I am so proud of you for sticking to this. The reward in the end it huge and going to be so worth it. I love you!


  3. Those sound like really good goals. πŸ™‚


  4. Fabulous!! I like what A New Start said – whether you met the goals or not, you are doing really well and you are obviously motivated to keep going! I'm so glad for you and glad that you are enjoying the time with your mother in law!


  5. logmyloss says:

    This is a great, great update Leah! I think October was a total victory for you.


  6. Larkspur says:

    Good work, my dear!


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