HOT 100 – Week 1 Update

So, here I am one week after joining the Hot 100 Challenge.

My goals for the first third of the challenge are:

Hot 100 Goals for October:
Scale Goal: See any kind of a weight loss by the time my mother-in-law leaves, which should be by the end of this month.
Emotional Goal: Not get offended when my mother-in-law offers a comment she thinks will help me with my “diet”. She hasn’t made more than maybe two in a week, but I found myself getting angry right away. Yet, when I thought more on it…she was right. Ouch.
As of this week I feel: PRETTY GOOD!

Yes, I’m feeling pretty good about it so far. I haven’t had the exercise that I know I need this week, due to a busy schedule, but my food hasn’t been too bad. And as of last Friday I’m already down lower than I weighed when my mother-in-law arrived here. I’m also doing better about not getting all up in knots over any comments. (Though I don’t think there have been very many that I can think of right now.) Yay!

So, here’s to another week working towards those goals and overcoming fears of failure!

About Leah@MyNewEnding

I'm a 44-year-old wife and mother who begins her day with God and coffee. When my youngest of 3 kids started college I went from a SAHM to a full-time job. I love being an attendance secretary. A lot has gone on since I started this blog in 2009, but one thing remains the same: I will not give up on my health. Join me as I share what that means for the season of life I'm in.
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5 Responses to HOT 100 – Week 1 Update

  1. logmyloss says:

    It sounds like a successful week – now on to week #2!


  2. Glad the week went so well. I know it's hard, but just take MIL's comments “with a grain of salt.” You know what you need to do, and you are succeeding. That's the most important thing!

    Hope you have a great Thursday!


  3. It's hard not to let other people's comments get to you. Growing up, I let my mother's comments get to me, and it affected me quite a bit. I have since “learned” that I don't have to please her, just try my best to please God. Sometimes it's still tough though, but as I've gotten older, she hasn't (quite) made as many comments about food or my weight. Guess she's gotten a little wiser herself! Hope you have a good rest of the week. 🙂


  4. I understand about the MIL. Mine finally stopped making comments when she started to weigh more than me!

    Keep up the good work!


  5. Larkspur says:

    I know. MIL have to tread very carefully, don't they? Mine was trim her whole life until she quit smoking– I think she finally gets that fat does not necessarily equal greedy + lazy.


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